Shapes of Eggs

Mar 11, 2016 22:03
Shapes of eggs differ depending on the organisms.

For example, many kinds of fish lay spherical eggs.

On the other hand, reptiles and birds lay elliptical eggs.

It is said that one of the reasons is to make easier to lay eggs that are large compared to their bodies.

In addition, birds' eggs have characteristic elliptical shapes, one side is thin, and the other hand is thick.

It is thought that the reason is to prevent eggs from rolling farther and farther away from their nests.

In fact, since owls that make their nests in holes of trees don't worry about rolling eggs, the shapes close to a sphere.







No. 1 Bob Kaucher's correction
  • Shapes of eggs differ depending on the organisms.
  • Shapes of eggs differ depending on the organisms that lay them. or The shapes of eggs differ depending on the organism that lays them.
     Your sentence is good but I would add "that lay them" just to make it clear.
  • For example, many kinds of fish lay spherical eggs.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • On the other hand, reptiles and birds lay elliptical eggs.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • It is said that one of the reasons is to make easier to lay eggs that are large compared to their bodies.
  • It is said that one of the reasons they do this is to make it easier to lay eggs that are large compared to their bodies.
  • In addition, birds' eggs have characteristic elliptical shapes, one side is thin, and the other hand is thick.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • It is thought that the reason is to prevent eggs from rolling farther and farther away from their nests.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In fact, since owls that make their nests in holes of trees don't worry about rolling eggs, the shapes close to a sphere.
  • In fact, since owls make their nests in the holes of trees and don't have to worry about rolling eggs, they lay eggs that are close to spherical.
     This sentence was very difficult and your original was understandable.
You did a very good job. I didn't know that about owl eggs. Very interesting!
Thank you very much for correcting my post!
I'm glad to hear you say that (^^)